This project includes concept planning for the upgrade of major roads serving the Emerging Community zone in the Hervey Bay suburb of Nikenbah. A traffic model was prepared estimating traffic generation and distribution for all the adjacent development areas, with identification of the location and treatment for connections to the major road network. Intersection treatments were analysed using SIDRA and Austroads turn warrants. Conceptual layout plans for intersection and mid-block treatments were prepared and this project has guided the assessment by council of development applications within the suburb.
Development Assessment - Toowoomba
Tipec has been successfully providing development assessment civil engineering services to Toowoomba Regional Council since February 2013.
Tasks undertaken include the engineering assessment of planning and operational works applications, preparation of information requests, liaison with other council departments, presentations at council meetings, preparation of conditions for decision notices, and negotiation of development outcomes. The role also includes mentoring and training graduate engineers. Major projects include: Wellcamp Airport and Business Park, Grand Central Redevelopment, the Fernleigh Development at Westbrook and the Habitat development at Mount Kynoch.
Cycling Program Technical Assessor
Craig Thompson was engaged (from 2018 to 2022) as a Technical Assessor (Consultant) to the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) for local government Principal Cycle Network (PCN) projects approved under the Queensland Government Active Transport Investment Program. Tasks include the assessment of grant applications, checking designs comply with the PCN standards, and checking completed works are consistent with the endorsed design. There is a wide variety of projects implemented throughout Queensland including shared paths, cycle tracks, raised priority crossings, bike lanes, and walk and cycle bridges requiring extensive knowledge of walk and cycle design guidelines including all supplementary cycling infrastructure publications produced by TMR.
Bundaberg Pathway Program
Tipec provided the detailed designs for paths and pedestrian crossing facilities at seven sites within Bundaberg. The designs were in accordance with Austroads guidelines and with longitudinal gradients generally in accordance with the principles of AS1428.1. Kerb extensions and pedestrian refuges (including streetlights) were designed to facilitate pedestrian movement across wide carriageways. Stormwater drainage checks were required to ensure flow paths were maintained.
Esplanade Cyclist Safety Improvements
The Esplanade Hervey Bay is an important cycling route for cyclists and forms part of the Principal Cycle Network. Tipec has developed an action plan and preliminary design drawings to improve road safety for road cyclists including bike lanes, bicycle awareness zones (BAZ) and reduction in speed limits from 50km/h to 40km/h in the business activity centres at Scarness, Torquay and Urangan. A staged approach was proposed allowing for low-cost solutions e.g. BAZ and speed reduction in the interim with shoulder widening and reallocation of lane space in the long term.