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Tipec News


“The photograph speaks for itself” ….as they say!
- 2021 

Author: Ken Nakada

Happy smiles from the TIPEC family at the 8th annual Relish Food & Wine Festival, set amongst Maryborough’s heritage streetscapes and riverside parks. This is one of the Fraser Coast’s annual feasts of local cuisine serving up celebrity and local chefs, gourmet tastings, cooking workshops, live music, and more. This year was perhaps more special in the sense that it was the first major event on the Fraser Coast since the COVID-19 pandemic imposed lockdowns and restrictions across the country for the most part of 2020/21. 

This eventful day started with a coffee tasting session hosted by Greg Lagstorm, the local café owner of Espresso 3.31, It took place in the garden of Portside Café & Restaurant where Greg literally ‘spilled the beans’ on the world of coffee. The fun challenge of the session was to distinguish the taste of different types of coffees from blind samples. So, you can just imagine the ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ and the expressions on everyone’s faces throughout the tasting activity. Importantly, we all gained an appreciation for the process; from the coffee farmers who work hard planting the seeds and cultivating their crops to the baristas, who then passionately prepare the coffee for the community to enjoy.

Next was a delightful tasting experience and lunch at The Odyssey Bistro stall. The Odyssey Bistro is another locally owned cuisine business that, on this day, made its first promotional appearance at a major event in the Fraser Coast region. Its local chefs are cooking foods and serving beverages from ingredients that are sourced and made locally, exhibiting distinctive flavors unique to the region’s best producers. The above photograph was taken after a delightful full course meal with cocktails that were produced and served fresh, showcasing the talented and passionate chefs belonging to our very own community. 

To sum up the day, the proud smiles in the photograph simply portray another fun and fulfilling day spent as a Tipec family. Tipec takes pride in the support and growth of the local community and today was another successful example as we took part supporting some of our local businesses. 


All Aboard the Spirit of Hervey Bay - 2020

Author: Todd Richards

The Tipec Family was given the opportunity to spend the day out whale watching off the coast of Hervey Bay, but they didn’t get your typical weekend weather for the Fraser Coast Region - there were showers and a bit of swell on the horizon. 


Despite the weather, the group of fifteen with some first-time whale watchers were in high spirits and excited to see the majestic animals of the sea. After some time and it seeming like they were going to miss out, the sun came out and so did the whales. It was action time and everyone got to enjoy some close encounters with the largest mammals in the world (apart from one unfortunate person getting seasick, surely that didn’t have anything to do with her being pregnant?) All that chasing after the children was all worthwhile after seeing the happiness in their eyes.

Overall, everyone had a whale of a time out on the water, seeing some acrobatic skills from the whales and the children enjoy it immensely and are still talking about the experience. This is a big part of what Tipec as a company is about, and this day trip whale watching showcases why they call themselves the Tipec family.


Tipec Office Opening - 2018

Author: Craig Thompson

The location of Shop 4/564 Esplanade Urangan Hervey Bay was chosen to expand our business in Hervey Bay. The location of the office was planned to be close to the beach, restaurants, shops, and local attractions. 

Craig took the time to renovate and design custom features including ergonomic furniture and work station positioning for office comfort of staff and visitors. Tipec held an official opening on the 26th of October 2018 inviting clients, sub-consultants, staff and those involved with the office renovations to come together and celebrate the opening of the Urangan office.

Craig and the team look forward to developing the existing and new relationships in the region, and look forward to future ventures to achieve our vision of planning and design of communities.

Hervey Bay Street Art

Author: Craig Thompson

Street art in Hervey Bay gained popularity at the turn of the 21st Century. The construction of the Links Corridor at Pialba by the Hervey Bay City Council in 2005 incorporated murals and sculptures that set the benchmark for later work at Wetside Water Park and the Torquay and Urangan foreshores. Many of the stainless steel sculptures we can see around Hervey Bay are the work of Artist Chris Calcutt.

Whale Sculpture
Whale Sculpture
Stick Person Sculpture
Stick People Sculpture
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